Friday, January 4, 2008


happy 2008
it's a new year
it's a fresh beginning.
am i stoked or what?
but freals i dont think i have any resolutions for this year. blahblahblah not the typical oh get better grades, don't procrastinate blahblahblah stufff. i really don't know. what was my priority for 2007? i really don't know. i think it was all over the place. sometimes i'm on sometimes i'm off. its 12:28 and i'm still wide awake, even though i should go to sleep. next year, my dad might move to china for work. it'll be a lot different. am i excited for change? maybe. hah wow blogger is so hip. it saves your drafts automatically. oh that is so rad. i wonder who uses blogger/xanga stuff these days. myspace is lame. but if you think about it, our xanga's in middle school were supah lame. ok my posts are pretty lame right now, but frankly i don't give a damn. hah ok yeah for the year 2008, i want to just be me. im sick of fake ah fake..

It's so easy to get lost in constantly having to present
whatever face you believe a person wants to see rather than your own.

such a paradox isn't it? isn't it?
yeah i learned that last week. weelll, yes also listening to craig owen's letters from janelle. a side note, their new album has been a lot deeper. hah intensity in ten cities is my favorite so far. his voice gets a bit annooooying if i listen to it for a long time., haha. lexington is good too. ok anyways..
lately i haven't been using my 11:11/tunnel wishes for myself, but rather for someone else. who knew that someone could get so lost, so effected, so sucked into, a world of just wrongness. hah if that even is a word. so i guess it is true when they say to choose your friends wisely. yeah i'm not here to judge, but i'm saying, friends influence and that influence can turn into ah
ok i'm talking all this nonsense hah nonsense. my neck really hurts. i just pray that somehow she'll find her way back. hah this sounds soo lame. but i know it's gonna be a hard journey. if you want to put it in some analogy, shes off the freaking path shes out in the boonies! hah what jerome says,. waaaay out! in the boonies.. hahaha ok but yeah. break is coming to an end., i wish break was 10 years long. sweeet. i'm going to have a zac efron movie marathon on saturday. oh are you stoked? i want to go to science camp this year. and i want to redye my hair.
i'm getting tired. wow its 2008, ok it's the 4th day of 2008 but still, thats just one more year till 2009 then i'm off. hopefully i'll be off. but who knows, with my grades and everything. really, all this worrying is making me break out. not break it out like bryce avery's song. haha but freaking like pimples in formation of the big dipper handle. dude, it's rad. i miss a lot of people.
its now 12:45